Charting the Path to Cloud Excellence: 
A Guide for Business Leaders

The transformation of IT operations and application development collaboration is a cornerstone
in the modern business landscape. This comprehensive guide explores the evolution from
traditional operational models to innovative, integrated cloud strategies. We delve into the
nuances of these models, their impact on business efficiency, and the role of emerging
technologies in facilitating this shift.

The Evolution of IT and Development Collaboration

The journey from siloed operations and development teams to integrated models marks a
significant shift in IT culture. Traditional models often led to delays in software delivery, creating friction and inefficiencies. The DevOps movement, advocating for collaboration and shared responsibility, emerged as a solution but brought its own set of challenges in balancing
speed and stability.

Unpacking Modern Operational Models

Centralized Provisioning

In this traditional model, a central team oversees infrastructure, leading to potential bottlenecks
and slower deployment cycles. It’s suitable for organizations where control and compliance are
paramount but can hinder agility.

Platform-enabled Golden Path

This model offers a middle ground, with platform engineers setting default standards and
guardrails, while allowing developers some customization leeway. It aims to balance
standardization with flexibility but can struggle with maintaining organization-wide visibility.

Embedded DevOps

Embedded DevOps involves direct collaboration between DevOps engineers and development teams:

Floating model: DevOps engineers temporarily join teams to set up infrastructure,
then move to other projects.

Permanent embedded model: A dedicated DevOps engineer works continuously
with a development team, evolving the infrastructure alongside the application.

Decentralized DevOps

Here, development teams have full ownership of their infrastructure and pipelines, offering
maximum agility but increasing the risk of inconsistency and security issues. This model
demands a significant shift in culture and mindset.

The Strategic Role of Platform Engineering

Platform engineering is redefining infrastructure and operations. By improving the developer
experience with self-service options and embedded best practices, it extends DevOps principles,
enabling developers to manage their resources efficiently. The goal is to remove barriers between
development and operations, fostering a more agile and responsive environment.

Navigating Emerging Trends and Technologies

Internal Developer Platforms and GitOps

These platforms centralize resource access, empowering developers through self-service
interfaces. GitOps, using Git for deployment orchestration, brings standardization and
automation, reducing the risk of errors.

Abstraction and Automation Tools

Modern tools like AWS App Composer, AWS CodeCatalyst, and the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) are simplifying infrastructure creation. They allow developers to focus on application logic, reducing the cognitive load associated with managing cloud resources.

Integrating GitOps and Internal Developer Platforms

Combining the GitOps approach with internal developer platforms can streamline deployment
processes. This integration provides a balance between autonomy and standardization, enabling
developers to innovate within a structured framework.

Future Outlook: Adapting to the Evolving Cloud Landscape

The cloud modernization journey is dynamic and ongoing. As Git continues to play a pivotal role
in deployment automation, tools like AWS Proton are enhancing template storage and
deployment processes. The challenge lies in adapting these tools to meet diverse developer needs
and preferences.

Strategic Considerations for Business Leaders

  • Conduct a thorough self-assessment to evaluate current 
infrastructure provisioning and deployment processes.
  • Consider the benefits and challenges of different operational models 
in relation to your organization’s specific needs and culture.
  • Organize workshops with key stakeholders to discuss operational 
models and their alignment with organizational goals.
  • Explore AWS solutions architects and partners like A2C for 
guided assistance in your cloud modernization journey.
  • Leverage A2C’s expertise in AWS services to optimize 
your cloud strategy and implementation.

Embracing Cloud Modernization as a Strategic Imperative

Cloud modernization is not just a technological shift but a strategic imperative. It requires a
holistic approach, considering operational models, emerging technologies, and cultural readiness
for change. By understanding these dynamics and partnering with AWS experts like A2C,
business leaders can chart a course towards enhanced efficiency, innovation, and competitive

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Joe Cattie

Joe Cattie


As President of A2C since 2021, Joe Cattie steers the company’s ongoing success and expansion. He brings over 20 years experience driving transformation through technology consulting.

Early in his career, Joe was part of the meteoric rise of Alliance Consulting Group – recognized on the prestigious Inc 500 list for three consecutive years. There he crossed paths with future A2C leadership team, forging professional chemistry that persists today.

Joining A2C as Managing Sales Director in 2009, Joe has since elevated to President overseeing sales, service delivery and market growth. His vision has established A2C as a leader in cloud, data and infrastructure solutions.

Joe provides direct oversight for key accounts including Independence Blue Cross, Signant Health, Santander Bank, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and many other large enterprises. He continues to guide clients on their digital journeys, crafting innovation through emerging technologies and the proper staff.

With technology accelerating at unprecedented speeds, Joe ensures A2C remains future-ready – continuously expanding skills and partnerships to equip clients to harness change as competitive advantage.

Under his leadership, A2C’s trajectory of success shows no signs of slowing. Joe steers a course of bold growth, embracing new frontier technologies to drive client outcomes.